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Dec 03, 2014 Read a free sample or buy How to Be a 3% Man, Winning the Heart of the Woman of Your Dreams by Corey Wayne. You can read this book with Apple Books.
Some of the ideas he advocates:
-Being indifferent to a women's actions and perception of you.
-Showing confident body language and being dominant attracts women more than how you look.(looks matter but you must be a 5/10 to her to have a shot, if they see you as under a 5 there's no chance a they will go out with you.)

-Men are like dogs, Women like cats and they come and go as they please and will do what they want when they want.(you must let them, be indifferent)
Download eBooks by author Corey Wayne. Guaranteed best prices, direct download! An Uncomfortable Book About Relationships. Corey Wayne eBooks Epub and PDF format. Picktorrent: how to be 3 man coach corey wayne - Free Search and Download Torrents at search engine. Download Music, TV Shows, Movies, Anime, Software and more.
-Men must focus on hanging out, having fun, and hooking up. Let women bring up the topic of relationship(bf/gf).
-Women are attracted to mystery like moths to a flame.
-Never chasing after a women breaks up with you.
-Women like men that have purpose in life, know what they want and go for what they want despite the fear and probability of rejection.
-Sexual polarity being important in all aspects of dating + relationship life. Masculine men are about purpose, drive, succeeding accomplishing, breaking through barriers. Being direct decisive, bold and fearless. Feminine women are about bonding, connecting, submissiveness, uncertainty, opening up to receive love.(If there is no polarity the attraction a women has for you dissipates.)
-Letting women do 70-80% of the calling, texting, and pursuing.
Corey Wayne Book Free
-A man is her rock, a woman is his joy.
Here are some of his videos: What Women Really Want Body Language That Attracts Women
Personally, I started been watching a bunch of his videos and bought his book and have read it 6 times so far starting about 2 months ago. Has anyone else looked into this guys stuff and tried applying it in real life?