Asus Xonar Crackling Noise
The Xonar SE features ASUS' Xonar Audio Center software suite for full control over every aspect of sound, from equalization (EQ) to 5.1-speaker level-balancing, and provides a user-friendly experience via an inviting and intuitive interface.
Got a pair of new decent headphones today and ever since I do notice some constant generic static in the background. I am pretty sure it was there before, it was, but now it is quite noticable. Quiet, but really annoying.
I have UNi Xonar drivers installed of course, because Asus does not give a shit about drivers anymore. Not gonna rent about their customer support and the RMAs I had to go through with other devices, that would take too long for now.
Tried switching the PCI Slot, didn't help. Raising the volume makes it worse, but it's always there, even if turned to zero. As soon as I plug my headphone into the card...
Is this what I have to expect from this soundcard? LOL
What can I do?! Please help!

Hey everyone. I just got a PS4 on Black Friday (first Playstation I've ever personally owned), and so far I love it. I'm a PC gamer mostly, but I was dying to play Bloodborne and Naughty Dog games, so I knew I was going to buy it.
Asus Xonar Clicking Noise
The one problem I've encountered so far is with remote play. The image quality is pretty good and I don't get much stuttering there, but the audio is constantly making an obnoxious crackling noise. I've tried all of the available resolution/frame rate combinations and nothing fixes it. I have gigabit fiber internet with a nice router (Archer C7), and my PC and PS4 are both wired (though I've tried putting the PS4 into a wireless connection), so it is not a connection speed or bandwith issue.
Light Switch Makes Crackling Noise
Is this just how Remote Play is? Does anyone else have this issue? I searched high and low on the internet and couldn't find anything other than a suggestion to try unplugging the HDMI cable from the PS4, but that didn't work either. I'm really at a loss, as this was one of the big selling points for me. I live with a few roommates, so our TV is oftentimes not available to play on, so I'd love to be able to play on my PC with remote play, but the audio is so bad that it's unplayable.
Pc Speaker Crackling Noise
Thanks for any suggestions!