Arabic-latin Translation Program In Toledo
The Coherence of the Arabic-Latin Translation Program in Toledo in the Twelfth Century. Charles Burnett. - Download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online. This article reassesses the reasons why Toledo achieved prominence as a center for Arabic- Latin translation in the second half of the twelfth century, and suggests that the two principal translators, Gerard of Cremona.
Aristotle: Translation Alignment (Greek, Latin, Arabic) (April 27)
English Latin Translation
April 27, 2016: 17h00-18h15 CEST
Usama A. Gad (Ain-Shams University (Cairo) and University of Heidelberg), Riccardo Strobino (Tufts University).
- [Slides] (
The session is an introduction to what translation alignment is and how it can be useful for pedagogical and philological research. The presentation will be of three main parts; the first part, a general introduction to the topic, is delivered by Usama Gad (15 minutes) followed by the second part, a specific introduction about the translation movements and practical examples to use the editor, delivered by Riccardo Strobino (30 minutes) then a concluding part on how to overcome some of the problems specific to Arabic, delivered by Usama Gad (15 minutes). It is supposed that if anyone would have a question, could interrupt and ask the presenter during the talk or write the question in the chat.

Outline of presentation

- General Introduction about translation in general and translation alignment.
- General introduction about the translation movements between Greek, Arabic and Latin.
- How to use the Alignment Editor?
- Practical examples using Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics.
- Practical examples using Aristotle's Poetics.
Required readings
Translation Program In C
- Familiarize yourself with:
- Aristotle:
- Corpus Aristotelicum:
- Bekker Numbering:
- Aristotle’s Poetics:
- Form and content of Arist. Po. :
- Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics:
- Further reading lists (on the translation movements).
- D. Gutas, Origins in Baghdad, in R. Pansanu and C. Van Dyke (eds) The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy, Cambridge University Press 2010: pp. 11-25.
- D. Gutas, Greek Thought, Arabic Culture: The Graeco-Arabic Translation Movement in Baghdad and Early Abbasid Society (2nd-4th/8th-10th centuries), Introduction, Routledge 1998: pp. 1-8.
- C. Burnett, The Coherence of the Arabic-Latin Translation Program in Toledo in theTwelfth Century, Science in Context 14 (2001): pp. 249–288.

Translation alignment recourses and samples
A Digital Corpus for Graeco-Arabic Studies, where one have xml files of Greek originals and Arabic translations::
Translation alignment of the first 4 chapters of Aristotle's poetics by Usama Gad:
- Available also through under Greek-Arabic:
Drills (Arist. Po)
Words In Latin Translation
You may find these drills useful before you could start with exercising:
Greek- English alignment of the first paragraph of Arist. Po.:
Greek-Classical Arabic alignment of the first paragraph of Arist. Po.: .
Greek-Modern Arabic alignment of the first paragraph of Arist. Po.
Latin Name Translation To English
Exercises (Arist. Po)
Arabic Words In English Translation
Align the first two paragraphs of the Arabic modern of Arist. Po. done by ʿAyyād 1967 ( ) with the Greek edition of the text done by Bekker 1837 (
Or Align the first chapter of Greek edition of the text done by Bekker 1837 with the classical Arabic translation done by Mattā between 900 and 940 (Ed. Badawī 1953); ( ).
Or If you are not confident about your Arabic, so align the Greek of Bekker 1837 with the English done by W.H. Fyfe in 1932 (to be found here ) then align the Arabic with the English and at the end align the Greek with the Arabic.